
Sylvette Réhel Styliste


Air Canada



Website - Mobile site // Webdesigner

The creation of Point Gerald site is a professional collective project realized in September 2016 for a concessionary garage owner named Gerald. Point Gerald is a site that sells used cars. This website was created in Wordpress.

In this project I held the role of webdesigner. I took care of the realization of the web and mobile model on Illustrator since even if we had chosen a Wordpress theme we have changed the basic visual since we have incorporated many features such as parameters of selection of cars by brand of cars, cars, prices, years, killometers and colors, or the possibility to find a car and try the car; make a top 10 of the cars of the week, include a blog page in the form of tips and tricks; obtaining customer reviews; put a Google maps as well as the address of the garage; create pages on social networks and animate them, and include the latest publications on the site. I also realized the Point Gerald logo. I also participated in the creation of the user's guide for the Point Gerald garage so that he could use his site via Wordpress and make the updates and that he continues to create these articles himself Of blog and that it adds in the course of the cars according to different parameters.

Illustrator // Wordpress