Point Gerald Printed
Animal sitter
This personal project which I propose you today illustrates my vision of the photography, my sensibility and my desires around photos realized by myself.
Amateurish photographer, I consider the photography as a passion and before any a way of expression.
As such I consider that this art must not be governed by rules and only the person behind the objective must be able to compose the photo as her wishes it.
There is no good one or of bad photo. Only the spectator can know in a few seconds if he likes the photo or not. And it is not necessary to have to explain its choice. A photo is before any a moment, an emotion, a memory, one felt, which is perceived in a different way from a person to the other one.
The writer Oscar Wilde wrote: 'Beauty is in the eyes of the one who looks.' I let you discover at the moment my photos.
Camera // Photoshop // Lightroom // Photography